So, two Christians walk into a bar….

That’s how our story starts, but God can meet us anywhere. For us, that means he put two stumbling followers of Christ in an unlikely place at the same time, and our lives were forever changed. Now, we are growing together and towards Christ in ways we only dreamed were possible. 

We live in Virginia and are a blended, homeschooling family with seven children, ranging from adults to elementary school. We love adventures, reading, and most importantly, growing in the Lord with our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

You can learn more about us here….

Meet the Coburns

Seeking the Symphony

The word symphony comes from the Greek word symphonia which means agreement or concord of sound—in other words, harmony. And that’s what we all want in our homes, right? But the reality of our world is that discord happens. Families fight. Siblings squabble. Coworkers Clash. God created a beautiful world of harmony, but sin came into the world and jacked it all up, and murder began with the second generation of humans. On our own, we are a disaster.

But, with God—the great Conductor of our souls, the Composer of our lives—everything changesRead More.

Invitation to Opening Night - A Night of Worship and Prayer
When Hope is Hard

When Hope is Hard

We were talking, and then an invisible veil cloaked her eyes. Have you ever seen that happen? When you’re speaking with someone, and suddenly, you can tell they’ve completely checked out?

In this case, I was talking to a dear friend who’s going through a horribly difficult season, and when the subject of hope came up, I watched her shut down. She was still nodding and trying to listen, but I could tell her heart had left the conversation. When that happens, you can always see it in their eyes.

I finished my thought because I felt like the Holy Spirit was compelling me to, but then I asked her, “You’ve shut down, huh?” She answered honestly, “I did. A few minutes ago. How could you tell?” It didn’t take a psychiatrist to see her brain had checked out of the conversation….

Hidden Work (Part 2): 5 Steps  to Strengthening Your Spiritual Core

Hidden Work (Part 2): 5 Steps to Strengthening Your Spiritual Core

In last week’s blog post, we talked about how our spiritual core strength—or lack thereof—affects our walk with the Lord and as a result, our ministry to others. A weak physical core affects our whole bodies and eventually begins to cripple our ability to move effectively; I can attest to this personally. In the same way, when we fail to do the deep spiritual work necessary to keep our souls “in shape,” everything we do is affected. In other words, our walk with Jesus starts getting real wonky. 

It wouldn’t be very kind of us, though, to tell you what the problem is without giving you a solution. Therefore, here are the steps God has been working out in us to help develop us spiritually.

Hidden Work (Part 1): Why a Strong Spiritual Core Matters

Hidden Work (Part 1): Why a Strong Spiritual Core Matters

Where and how we walk is a frequent theme in God’s Word, but what I’ve realized recently is that we’re not walking where we should or how we should unless we’re willing to do the hidden work of deep spiritual formation. If we want to walk in public ministry, we have to be willing to take ourselves through intimate, private ministry. That having been said, this revelation came to me in kind of a weird way. 


At the end of December, Josiah and I finally decided we had to make an investment in our family’s health and re-institute our gym membership. We tried working out from home for a long time, but it just wasn’t working for us.